Auditions continue Tuesday Sept 9 at the Gaithersburg Arts Barn.
Only two people showed up tonight for four great roles, so the opportunity is there!

Looking for Two Men mid, late 20s – Two Woman 30-35

Montgomery Playhouse in partnership with the City of Gaithersburg is pleased to announce:

Auditions for Touch by Toni Press-Coffman
Directed by Bruce Hirsch

Sept. 8, 9 at the Gaithersburg Arts Barn
311 Kent Square Road, Gaithersburg, MD

Call-backs Sept. 11 if necessary.
Time: 7:30 PM

Production Dates: Nov. 7 thru 23, 2014


The play opens with a 20 – 25 min monologue. This is a wonderful challenge for actor and director.

About The Play:

When Kyle’s wife Zoe is murdered, he barricades himself by devoting himself more feverishly to his work and losing himself in loveless sex. TOUCH is about a man in despair questioning whether there is any point to rediscovering passion, risking connection, groping toward the touch that will rekindle joy.

“…a gripping, heart-wrenching, tender drama whose scenes shift seamlessly, character to character, past to present.” —NY Times. “So often these days, theater aspires to nothing more than sheer escapism. But now and then, a deeply touching play comes along. TOUCH is one of those.” —Miami Herald. “Toni Press-Coffman’s play celebrates the beauty of survival with eloquence and grace.” —Portland Oregonian.


Kyle Kalke, an astronomer in his late 20s. A science “nerd’ – quiet but passionate.

Bennie Locasto, a doctor in his late 20s. Kyle best friend. Also a science “nerd” but more outgoing and quick to make a joke.

Serena, Kyle’s sister-in-law in her 30s. A strong, intelligent woman.

Kathleen a prostitute about 35. Hard but no so hard that her humanity can’t be reached.

Auditions will be cold readings from the script.

For additional information, contact the director at:

If you don’t fall into the age range feel free to send it on to your friends who do. Thank you.

If you would like to work backstage, please contact the director.

Montgomery Playhouse is a non-profit community theater and all actors and staff are volunteers.