I Hate Hamlet

By Paul Rudnick
September 19th – October 5th, 2008

A young and successful television actor relocates to New York, where he rents a marvelous, gothic apartment. With his television career in limbo, the actor is offered the opportunity to play Hamlet onstage, but there’s one problem, he hates Hamlet. His dilemma deepens with the entrance of John Barrymore’s ghost, who arrives intoxicated and in full costume to the apartment that once was his. The contrast between the two actors, the towering, dissipated Barrymore whose Hamlet was the greatest of his time, and Andrew Rally, hot young television star, leads to a wildly funny duel over women, art, success, duty, television, and yes, the apartment.

Cast List
Felicia Dantine Veronica Lee Johnston
Andrew Rally Jim Camlek
Deirdre McDavey Melissa Powell
Lillian Troy Kathy Fallow
John Sydney Barrymore J. McAndrew Breen
Gary Peter Lefkowitz Ken Kemp
Crew List
Producer Melinda Fisher & Frank DeSando
Director Frank DeSando
Assistant Director Omar Latiri
Stage Manager Mary Alexander
Set Design David Jones
Lighting Design Matthew Datcher
Electricians Matthew Datcher, John Hutson, Paul Shoop
Sound Design Matthew Datcher
Fight Choreographer David Dossey
Fight Captain Omar Latiri
Master Carpenter David Jones
Costume Design Malinda Smith, Mary Schmidt
Set Decoration Kay Coupe
Properties Jim Camlek, Kay Coupe, Frank DeSando, Kathy Fallow
Light Execution George Fitel
Sound Execution Patrick Hughes
Stage Crew Melinda Fisher, Tara Bradford
Set Construction/Painting David Jones, Jim Camlek, Nancy Davis, Frank DeSando Melinda Fisher, Karen Fleming, Ken Kemp, Omar Latiri, Joy Wyne
Trailburst Nugget Singers Meg Johannessen, Katie Mays
Voice Overs Jim Camlek, Frank DeSando, Omar Latiri
Photography Kay Coupe
Load-In Crew David Jones, Mary Alexander, Tara Bradford, Jim Camlek, Nancy Davis, Frank DeSando, Melinda Fisher, Lisa Holland Anderson, Veronica Johnston, Ken Kemp, Paul Shoop, Newman Smith, Joy Wyne