Call for Original One Act Plays

The Montgomery Playhouse is accepting submissions of original works for its 16th Annual One Act Festival. The plays should be no more than 60 minutes in length and the staging requirements should be minimal. There is no minimum length. Please send an electronic copy of the script to David Jones via email at for consideration. In the event a play is not selected for this festival it will be added to our library of original for consideration in future festivals with the author’s permission. We will be receiving submissions through the month of April.

Call for Directors

The Montgomery Playhouse’s 16th Annual One Act Festival is planned for late July – early August 2017. Anyone interested in directing a one act should contact David Jones via email at The focus this year will be on original works. An original work is defined as an unpublished play. The executive producer is receiving submissions and also has a large library of original works from which a play may be selected.